The freelance world might disagree with me but frankly I do not think there is not an SEO in the world who can lay claim to having the expertise and experience to deliver, hands-on, every single facet of what makes up contemporary SEO. SEO and positioning your website to rank top spots in the search engines require some careful planning. Just like setting up a business or going to war, it requires strategizing for optimal results. Google prefers fresh content. An older page that’s regularly updated may outperform a newer page. The content on your website must be unique and creative. It has to be relevant to your readers, and not published just for SEO purposes. To create relevant content, research the latest trends and write blog posts that are engaging. Teach your audience how to do something, and always update old content.

Do Homework on Your Mobile Device Keywords

When consumers search vocally, their queries are hugely different from how they write them out. The most noticeable aspect of this is that voice search produces many long-tail keyword queries. The prospect of Google penalties strikes fear into the hearts of most webmasters -- or at least the ones who don’t fully understand them. If a search engine makes a page request that isn’t served within the bot’s time limit (or that produces a server timeout response), your pages may not make it into the index at all, and will almost certainly rank very poorly (as no indexable text content has been found). Companies that repeatedly add links to directories are also more likely to be seen as spamming, which raises automatic red flags with the search engines.

Competitor Analysis and Opportunity Identification

Long Tail Keywords are long and very specific keyword phrases that the customer generally uses when he is nearing his purchase stage. Trying to rank for very broad keywords like ‘furniture’, ‘online shopping’ is a very difficult task. In fact if you know how to optimize long tail keywords, you can get good rankings on SERPs. They are less competitive to optimize for. Go out of your way to consistently create detailed content that brings enormous value to the end user, and you'll be on your way to dominating search. The website should be easy to go around or navigate and not confuse the visitors. It should lead the user to what it’s searching for with as few clicks as possible. Making it user friendly also makes it SEO friendly. Search engine optimization is a set of best practices that cater to both Google’s algorithm and the user experience. The ranking factors that play into Google algorithm have various weights and importance, and the algorithm constantly changes.

Competitor link profile analysis

Even though it seems logical, initially, to strive for a ranking using high-traffic keywords and terms, this will most likely result in a lot of frustration and wasted resources. Moreover, the traffic that you will get from a highly competitive keyword, will probably be of poor quality. Links are the key to ranking well in Google, but what marketers often forget is that links are built upon relationships with people. The best way to ‘build links’ is to forge connections and offer value to bloggers and other influencers in your niche. Since search engines focus more on the initial words of the titles, make sure you add your keywords at the start of your title tag – this will help you rank better. According to SEO Consultant, Gaz Hall: "‘Mobile indexing first’ means that Google will look at the mobile version of your site to decide how high you should rank."

Advanced detection of Google duplicates requires special efforts

Write about all those topics that are important to your audience. Use the words you came up with in your keyword research. You need to have content about the topics you want to rank for to start ranking in the search results. SEO and content marketing are two different processes. You could describe the main difference like this: SEO is narrow and technical, while content marketing is broad and holistic. SEO marketing can be a very powerful tool for generating massive passive traffic. But if you use it incorrectly, you’ll end up doing more harm than benefit. Any discrepancies might cause Google to NOT show your business' information on a search result page.