Keyword research is the process SEOs use to find what search queries consumers enter into a search engine for a given topic. You will find that there are a number of different ways to do keyword research, but there is no single “right” way. It will vary based on your industry, budget, and goals. All the content you produce should be tailored to your target customer / audience. If you submit posts with very little content and a load of popular search terms, you’re likely to be found out. If you tried to optimize an article for a certain keyword, but it’s getting more traffic for a different variation of that keyword, then go back in and re-optimize it for the new keyword. Putting your individuality and personality across throughout the off-site SEO process (outreach emails, guest posts, social shares, etc.) makes others more likely to engage with you. Craft your unique selling proposition (USP) based on your own personality and the way you can best solve your customers’ problems.

Duplicate content checks

Optimizing page titles for search is best done finding a balance between volume and intent. Some mobile sites refuse access to anything but mobile phones, making it impossible for Googlebot to access the site, and therefore making the site unsearchable. While an exact-match domain can still rank as well as a traditional domain, they are at a higher risk for being marked as spam and are viewed as being less trustworthy. Once you’ve identified opportunities you’ll want to decide on whether to create a new page from scratch or to make changes and improvements to one of your current web pages. Google is looking for answers to the user’s query that provides the answer to the question in a succinct manner. Formatting your HTML and providing content that clearly answers the question will help you rank well.

Mobile readiness is a confirmed general ranking factor.

The Internet is a complex place that houses billions of websites, documents, apps, you name it, and search engines help link all the information together like a giant spider web – everything’s connected! More and more, search engines have begun to incorporate social context into their search results. Take a moment to consider some of the most popular websites you already have links going to on your own website. Is it possible for you to post content on any of these? You could be building Back Links leading from those popular websites that hundreds of thousands or even millions of other people regularly use. Doing a yearly review of the big changes in SEO and implementing them on your site is a good way to avoid spending resources on insignificant changes while still maintaining a high-quality website for the long term.

Good Content Will Still Need ‘Optimised

If you’ve been producing content in a haphazard manner, hoping and praying that some of it eventually ranks, it’s time to buckle down and commit to a more methodical SEO content strategy for the web. There are few things more frustrating and downright annoying than investing a large amount of money into a well-researched, written and designed piece of content — that nobody sees. The search engines now identify low quality content through user engagement, and by correlating website features. Networks of sites where you can place this kind of content are even easier for them to identify. As a marketer, the primary warning sign should be sites where you can post your content with no editorial oversight from the website owner. Gaz Hall, a Freelance SEO Consultant, commented: "Google is also now looking at things like bounce rates – how long someone spends on your website. And it is looking at how your site renders on mobile and how quickly it loads. You can now get penalized for typos and mistakes."

All Attention is Good Attention

Generally speaking, backlinks are considered to be a “vote” of confidence for the content that’s being linked to on your domain from outside sources. Cornerstone content (in short: assigning one main page per content and linking that from related pages) shows how internal linkscontribute to your site structure. Meta search engines are search engines that aggregate results from multiple search engines and present them to the user. Coming up with great content is important to the longevity of any website, but finding the right “hot” keywords to use and implementing them in ways which look natural and read in a fluid fashion is just as important as coming up with a good article, blog post, recipe or other bit of information.