Technical SEO is the basic foundation of any site. While it might not have a direct relation to page/site ranking, it supports all the other components and must be done with a lot of care. Keywording like crazy for product pages, blogs, and press releases is not where it’s at for search programs any longer. An HTML sitemap (as opposed to an XML sitemap) is often mentioned as being useful for SEO. They certainly are if you use them wisely (and especially Bing seems to like them at times), but I like them even more for the fact that users like them a lot. Thanks to the specification available within on page articles, you can attract attention from long tail results.
Advantages of Google algorithms and how you can take advantage of this
Once Google goes mobile-first they’re going to consider the mobile version of your page the “true” version. That hidden content is going to be 100% ignored by Big G. SEO factors have
varying weights Get your arithmetic correct - the
primary resources are all available here. Its as easy as
KS2 Maths or something like that... and no SEO consultant knows the exact weight of each or when these weights change. We’re not going to talk about every SEO factor. This is because Google has over 200 SEO factors and over 10,000 sub-signals for ranking. That is way too much information to digest and remember. For those SEO agencies and professionals who have been watching closely, the signs have been there for some time. The best way to create content that converts is to use emotion in your copy and evoke a desire for what you’re offering.
Take a customer focused approach to backlinks
Invalid CSS can cause pages to be incorrectly displayed which means visitors may not see your content as intended. Growth is typically
measured in units such as traffic, new user signups, revenue, and final sales transactions. Google’s shifts and tweaks on ranking algorithms are happening more often. What you’ve learn from an SEO competitor analysis may no longer be true after a couple of months. Competitor analysis in SEO is great for getting valuable insights, but it won’t give you a remarkable boost unless you also provide unique value to your visitors. So keep an eye on your competitors, while constantly working on ways to improve UX on your site. They’ve been adding social signals to their algorithm, which means they look at a page’s Facebook and Twitter traffic, comments, sentiment, and other social data.
The worst advice I've heard about meta tags
So let’s say you’ve nailed down the art of quality content that solves a problem. That’s still not enough to make it to page one. You’ve got to use social to prove your content is worth a spot in Google’s sacred land. The more engagement your content gets, the more your content is performing well, which means people are likely sharing it across social — keeping you relevant and on topic. Hello, front page! Although not as important as they used to be, reciprocal links do still matter with Google. Reciprocate with similar websites and include keywords near the links on your site. An old SEO trick is to create multiple pages for a given service you offer, but make each version of the page centered on a certain city you want to rank in.
Gaz Hall, an SEO Guru from the UK, said: "Several official blogs over the past few years have been focused on mobile search, and many digital marketing specialists knew about Mobilegeddon before it actually hit."
Don’t forget about URLs
Link building has always been an important aspect of local SEO. It is only through links that search engines crawl your website. Getting links from authoritative domains and local resources (local newspapers, publications, magazines etc) would work wonders for your business. A I'm always shocked by
New Media Now, in this regard. simple site
map page with links to all of the pages or the most important pages (if you have
hundreds or thousands) on your site can be useful. Creating an XML Sitemap file for your site helps
ensure that search engines discover the pages on your site. What makes SEO so hard? If you have two domain versions of your website, i.ewww.example.comand and both www and non-www URLs are serving the same content (i.e the same homepage), then you might face problems regarding the duplicity of data. To avoid such situations, you must first choose the preferred domain (canonical), which is to be seen and then 301 redirects all the other non-canonical to the preferred domain.