Keywords are still a factor in content, but with the Hummingbird update in 2013, the way they are used, viewed, and searched has changed dramatically. Everyone likes to see a nicely designed website, but given a choice between a great looking website with little/poor content and a poor looking website with great content, people prefer the latter. They aren’t searching online to look at pretty websites. They’re searching online for a specific reason and if you meet their needs then there’s a good chance that they’ll make a purchase from you, either straight away or in the future. The anchor text section clearly shows what text the links pointing to a website has. This is an opportunity to take a look and make sure that the website does not have a spammy anchor text profile. It’s worth noting that there are SEOs who prefer using TF (Trust Flow) and CF (Citation Flow) from Majestic when checking their competitors authority and trust levels.

Be adaptable and recognise that times change and SEO trends evolve

For a long time Google looked at the name of a particular website and the queries that were entered and might rank that site higher if the domain name had some match with the query. Did you notice Google is offering fewer options for your search results to shine? It seems like Google regularly adds a new box to the search result pages that answers searchers’ questions immediately, without them having to click on anything. Fundamental search engine optimization never changes. You only have three things to work with: content, links, and measurement. he no follow link tag has done a lot of good for the online world – most SEO spammers won’t bother posting irrelevant links to blogs or forum posts if they know they won’t get to publish a follow link. WordPress automatically assigns the no follow link attribute to all user-submitted links, and Wikipedia does the same for its reference section.

Over-optimization Exists

Similar to your title tags, meta descriptions are a simple, but highly effective way to improve your SEO. Meta descriptions are used to generate the small paragraph of text that appears below a page’s title in the search results. When you've selected your focus keyword, ensure it is found in your title tag, h1 tag, meta description, article text and make sure that relevant keywords are also be found throughout the content as well as h2 tags. The cornerstone of a successful organic search campaign has always been technical SEO. Pay close attention to how your results develop over time, and don’t be afraid to make changes when you need to.

Losing Focus on Information Content

Keyword Research and Implementation is important for making any piece of copy shine, especially in the eyes of search engines. After Google’s Exact Match Domain update, the importance of having the exact keyword in your domain name is far less important. Try to pick the best available domain name first & consider keyword matching/partial inclusion as a bonus but entirely unnecessary aspect of your final choice. Very much a nice to have not a need to have… Contrary to popular belief, linking out to relevant external websites does not directly impact your search rankings. Gaz Hall, a Freelance SEO Consultant, commented: "While the page meta data (page description and keywords) are not nearly as important as they used to be, they still count. Take advantage of them by putting your keyword or phrase there."

Use Responsive Design

In some cases on-page coding issues can impede the ability of a website to rank well in search engines whilst in others there may be issues with duplicate content, poor server configuration or poor site architecture. Identifying and fixing potential issues like these is essential for any website to be successful online. The search engines have an enormous task: that of indexing the world’s online content—well, more or less. The reality is that they try hard to discover all of it, but they do not choose to index all of it. A general rule of thumb: If you have links in a menu at the top of the page, avoid duplicating those same links on the bottom of every page. Linking to the same page in the footer creates a hole for the link juice to seep out. You should not only use social networks to acquire potential new customers, generate leads and build brand awareness, but also keep in mind the SEO benefits of having a brand presence on social networks.