Remember, great quality and lengthy content will work best, both for users and search engines. Studies have shown that long content consistently ranks higher than thin content. Consistency is crucial; maintain a regular publishing schedule. SEO is all about ranking high on search indexes, which can’t happen without you creating new, quality content. As you create new pages, you create opportunities for new rankings and more reach. This, in turn, leads to more keywords you can rank for. Remember, though, that quantity should never trump quality. Better content gets you better rankings. The proliferation of smartphones and tablets mean more and more consumers will be viewing your website on the much smaller screen of a mobile device. For a good user experience, make sure your website is mobile responsive, rendering correctly on a desktop, laptop, tablet and smartphone. Internal page linking is an important part of on page SEO. These can be interpreted as binding your website together.

If it isn’t on Google, it doesn’t exist

Each year more than 2.8 trillion search queries are made on Google alone. This means that Google answers more than 88,700 searches worldwide per second.i In other words: Every second that your website is not indexed on Google, you miss out on hundreds, if not thousands, of opportunities in which someone might have accessed your website, viewed your content, and bought your product or services. Keyword research is still useful when trying to decide on the most interesting topics for your audience. Keywords can still be part of your content, provided that they are added in context and at the right balance. There’s no need to sacrifice the quality of your content to include more keywords, as keyword stuffing can lead to the opposite of the result you want. There are some legitimate concerns about SEO for newcomers; it isn’t a strategy you can master quickly, nor is it guaranteed to pay off. The modern user has a very short attention span. If a website takes more than a few seconds to load, she/he is likely to leave. Therefore, it’s really important to make sure that site speed/load time is optimized as much as possible.

Monitor the evolution of your rankings

Follow all the good on-page content and off-page optimization considerations, like fresh, unique content. Don’t overdo the keywords, prevent spammy backlinking etc. For a search engine to be able to display relevant results when a user makes a search query, there has to be an archive of available information for it to select from. This archive is called an index. Every search engine has its own methods for gathering and prioritizing content from websites. Whatever the specific tactics or methods used, this process is known as indexing. Indeed, search engines attempt to scan and index the entire online universe. By doing so they can show you the relevant information when you search for it. SEO ranking improves when visitors stay on your site longer, view more pages, and repeat their visits. The more user-friendly your site is, the more likely this is going to happen. When working on your content, you should take the next biggest thing into account: voice search. Yes, it’s been around for a while. But with the advent of Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa and Google’s nameless Home assistant, things are moving fast right now.

How to make writing SEO-friendly copy almost kind of tolerable

SEO success relies heavily on the keywords you choose to target. Google needs to generate, maintain and increase its revenue. It can only be done when the searchers uses Google as a Search Engine. The searchers will use Google till the time the Search Engine is providing accurate results to the query entered by the searcher. Users searching for your site on Google might not necessarily want to land on your homepage. Sitelinks on the SERP provide them with a direct link to other parts of your site which might be more relevant to them. Gaz Hall, an SEO Expert from the UK, said: "With website analytics, you can hone in on your audience, identifying things like their interests, demographics, language, locations and behaviors. Understanding these elements can help you improve your website content."

Use different keyword suggestion tools

Use your website to communicate your value proposition and your general marketing messages (known as “high-level messages”). If there is one page which should be optimized for generic keywords, it is your homepage. Google scores ‘fresh content’ that’s updated regularly in a different way to a news article that doesn’t change. Think of your brand as a publisher and source of high-quality information. When you produce helpful, informative content like blog posts, how-to articles, and research, you’ll get in front of searchers and earn their trust. Search Console shows your average position for each of the keywords you rank for and how many impressions and clicks this brings you.