How bad hosting can lead to losing SEO rankings Downtime of your website can lead to vastly decreased performance in organic search. Frequent link audits can save your site from the dangers of negative SEO. If you constantly monitor your links, it’s easier to spot a sudden change before it becomes uncontrollable. In general, though, focus on relevance above all else. It’s tempting to just shoot for the big, authoritative opportunities, but by doing so you run into a few issues. SEO doesn’t have to be hard or require an expert team to get results. If you’ve got a process and a structure, you can rank your content in search engines quite quickly.

Use standard HTML markup as much as possible

Ensuring that your piece of content explores the topic fully across many relevant sub-topics, and doesn’t only provide a thin/generic answer, will help with discovery and perceived value. SEO is all about ranking high on search indexes, which can’t happen without you creating new, quality content. As you create new pages, you create opportunities for new rankings and more reach. This, in turn, leads to more keywords you can rank for. Remember, though, that quantity should never trump quality. Better content gets you better rankings. Google counts links from other websites as votes. So, when they’re presented with two (or more) pages on the same topic, the page with the most links (i.e. votes) will usually rank higher than the page(s) with fewer links. Even just a few changes will have a significant impact on your website’s ranking. Don’t forget – it will still take time to see your hard work come to fruition!

Don’t Stuff Your Content with Keywords

With the increase in powers of content, the journey for internet marketing people has taken a knifelike turn. Not so long ago it might be comparatively easy for a marketer to secure his business in top search engine results. Increasing your search visibility is a good thing, clearly, but it takes a lot of time and effort to accomplish those rising rankings, and there’s no guarantee how much extra traffic they’re going to send your way. Even though keyword research is the first and most important step in your SEO strategy, there are a few corners to cut. Using tools to make a long list of potential keywords is a great way to speed up your keyword research. Producing content that ranks well is clearly an important part of writing for SEO. But it’s also about turning those visitors into paying customers.

What is duplicate content?

As businesses succeed, new avenues of revenue open up and therefore new areas of the website need to be created and optimised. Another one of the best SEO tactics creates even more links to your site to improve your SEO. Local SEO practices and building profiles on business directories can build online authority for your brand and make a bigger digital footprint for your website. Based on some online surveys, SEO is one of the most significant marketing activity for modern marketers and companies are hugely investing in SEO. We asked an SEO Specialist, Gaz Hall, for his thoughts on the matter: "The ability for a piece of content to earn natural links that positively contribute to a website’s link graph is directly proportional to that contents value. In other words, the more valuable the piece of content is, the easier it will be to earn high-value links and increase Google traffic. Conversely, the less valuable a piece of content is, the harder it will be to earn links."

Focus on topics instead of keywords

In establishing domain names, you may come across articles, which may suggest not to make use of hyphens on them. You should become aware though that using hyphens on your domain name is not a bad practice. However, you should know that most people these days, are not used to typing domain names on their browsers that come with hyphens. Successful sites load fast. Even a small delay can have an impact on visitor numbers, ad views and conversions. The way in which consumers search with be noticeably changed by digital assistants. SEO changes quickly. Information that was true six months ago, may not be true today.