Google needs to generate, maintain and increase its revenue. It can only be done when the searchers uses Google as a Search Engine. The searchers will use Google till the time the Search Engine is providing accurate results to the query entered by the searcher. Google defines duplicate content as large blocks of text used across multiple pages, or even other websites, that are exactly the same or very similar. Simply put, you don’t want to use large blocks of the same text on more than one page of your website. Always remember, “Content is King”. Thereby, the content should be fresh, unique and relevant to what your website is about, and there should be no duplicate content. In business, regardless of the particular field, it has always been a good idea to look around and see what competitors are doing, then try to apply what’s working for them to one’s own website.

Link, link and link some more

Always Add Value. Add value in every blog post, blog comment, social media update and web page. Don’t worry about backlinks or keyword rank. People will read and share your valuable content, and the rest will take care of itself. Content marketing can be very effective in increasing traffic, generating leads, enabling sales – and contributing to SEO. A web page can be given an immediate “freshness score” based on its date of publication, when then decays over time as the content gets older. Regular updates to the content can help to preserve that score The truth is that working on the search optimisation for your website is not a guaranteed source of traffic.

Ensure your website looks the part and that it’s easy to use

Standard engagement behaviours on SERP results, such as click-throughs and time on page, can be an indicator of freshness and relevance. Target 500 to 1,000 words per post without sounding spammy or repetitive. Trust me — 500 words is not difficult when you know your business inside and out. I am already at 1,500 words for this post (unless my editor breaks out a Ginsu knife). Also, publish frequently. Try one post per week until you get the hang of writing and blogging. Then bump that up to twice per week. Review your h1 tags across your site, using a crawler to find them all if required. Do they all describe the page accurately? Do they use the keyword target? And do they match the title tag in what they say the page is about? If you’re an existing business, you can learn a lot from your current customer base. If you have a shop you probably have a good idea of your target audience because you and your customer service team will be meeting and talking to them everyday. Otherwise, you could learn more about your customers by asking them to fill out a survey.

Use different keyword suggestion tools

SEO can help a growing startup establish its presence and meet business goals. With content being king, some companies will do whatever they can to beef up the content on their website, including stealing it from another website and claiming it as their own. One of the biggest challenges websites face today when trying to bring in and retain customers is the user experience on the site. Gaz Hall, a Freelance SEO Consultant, commented: " Create good content and in time the links will follow. When a website focuses on content, website owners and general users tend to talk about it and share it with others. This is a very naturalistic way of doing link building but still does not provide any guarantees. However, from a search engine standpoint, the ethical way of link building has always been more rewarding."

Social media signals have always invited contradicting opinions

Sound SEO strategies aren’t susceptible to the whims of Google and the other search engines and depend far less on them than might be assumed. If an SEO tactic worked for one website that does not mean the same can be successfully applied to another. To rank, you need authority. To have authority, you need links. To get links, you must be visible with people who create content. Therefore to rank, you need relationships. Guest posting as a tactic has a dual benefit. First, it helps you reach the target audience of blogs who have similar audiences as yours. Second, it helps you get backlinks to your site so you can drive up your search engine rankings.