Your website should be thematically oriented to specific keywords for optimal rankings. The website should fulfill the needs of your users. At the same time, it is also important for your web content to load quickly in order to guarantee user satisfaction. Rest assured that real SEO has nothing to do with keyword stuffing, keyword density, hacks, tricks or cunning techniques. If you hear any of these terms from your SEO advisor, run away from them as quickly as you can. As you begin using proven SEO strategies, you will learn how to tweak your website to make big changes in your page rank and profits. If you do not know much about it, use the tips listed here to improve your rankings and enjoy the results. Linking out is huge. Don't be a link hoard; you're going to create content, so use it to gain favor with other people. I'll go more into depth below with specific tactics on linking out, but in general, you only have something to gain when you’re linking out.

Filter your keywords to those that have only a few visitors

If you create high-quality pieces of informative content on your website page-to-page, you will rank. Find a bad hosting provider, install WordPress on a crappy shared hosting program, activate thirty plugins and upload a hundred non-optimized images to your blog and you are well on your way to a bad score. Google’s looking for original text on a subject matter that explores the concept that the page is about, rather than meets keyword relevance standards of yesteryear. "The more, the better" saying doesn’t go for links. At least not as long as "more" means links you buy without checking if they are risky for your backlink profile or not. You’d better aim for fewer high-quality links, then for thousands of links that bring no value to your backlink profile. Weak or risky backlinks won’t help your rankings at all. It can go even worst. These links can get you a Google penalty and severe (if not 100%) loss of organic traffic.

Have a go at optimizing your TF-IDF scores

If you want to populate on the first page of Google organically and improve your SEO, patience is what differentiates the pretenders from the contenders. It’s worth noting that there are SEOs who prefer using TF (Trust Flow) and CF (Citation Flow) from Majestic when checking their competitors authority and trust levels. When it comes to getting your content to the top of the search rankings there’s a number of methods you can employ. But if there’s one constant that runs through them all then that would be the importance of keywords. You should refrain from writing articles that are too sensitive or controversial such as adult oriented articles and vulgarity. Keep it simple, keep it direct and informative. That is the best type of article to deliver.

Avoid buzzwords and technical jargon

If you don’t know who your competition is, search for some of your most important keyword targets – sites that consistently rank well are the ones to take a look at. Studying and analyzing the top competitors in your industry becomes crucial to discover what is needed to become one of them. By emulating the good and getting rid of the bad from your competitors pages we can not only equal but better the rankings they already have. Domain authority is a score (on a 100-point scale) developed by Moz that predicts how well a website will rank on search engines. According to Gaz Hall, a UK SEO Consultant : "There are an awful lot of people making obscene amounts of money online, compared to traditional business owners by pushing unethical SEO techniques or black hat SEO if that’s what you prefer to call it. Why do they do it? Simply because it works and it is making them loads of money."

Don't use exclamation marks, except in rare really exciting moments

Instead of a computer being told what to think, AI is coming up with its own thinking. Artificial intelligence allows us to use audience demographics and search histories---their past and their preferences – to bring similar people to a business. Artificial intelligence can greatly help improve your SEO strategy by taking the huge amounts of data from your website and provide more in-depth insights into your pages’ analytics. This, in turn, can be used to design a better user experience. Keywords and link building are no longer as impactful as they once were; now, it’s all about creating valuable content. Google and other search engines are switching gears to focus on the relevance of the information you provide on your site. The “bots” that determine your site’s search engine ranking are crawling the web in search of sites that are conversational and have valuable content. (Not to creep you out, but Google’s system is critiquing your site like an extremely intelligent superhuman would.) To truly understand whether your SEO campaign is working, you need to learn which measurements deserve your attention.